Stop Gambling when you hire...INSYTE Employers Solutions Inc.
  Are you sick and tired?

You are not alone. We help organizations take the unpredictability out of hiring, promoting and developing using employees with scientifically proven assessments and testing solutions. The results will reduce costs, save time, increase production and profits regardless of the size of the organization.

If you are like most organizations, one of the greatest sources of frustration and wasted expenses is employee turnover costs and lost productivity in the organization.

Below you will read about a few different strategies some applicants may be using to improve their chances of landing a job, which employers may be completly unaware of.

Employers should have tools and processes in place to assist in their recruitment, retention and developement of their human capital.

Learn why the odds are stacked against you in hiring a top performing employee.

Candidates "NOW" have the Advantage
Like it or not, the hiring game has changed and unless your hiring process has been keeping up, you are at a severe disadvantage.

In general, until the recession of 2009 hit, the hiring process had notchanged much since the industrial revolution, but with the explosion of resources now available to any job seeker with a computer and an internet connection, most employers are finding themselves completely in the dark.

Employers Face "The Perfect Storm"
In 2009, the unemployment rate skyrocketed creating fierce competition for those few jobs that did become available. Unemployed canididates, out of necessity, starting looking for new and innovative ways to gain a competitive advantage over other people looking for work.

Entrepreneurs soon realized there was a growing market of desperate job seekers willing to do just about anything to find a job, and feed their families.

Résumé Engineering
From the law of supply and demand sprung a whole new industry of "Résumé Engineering." Popular websites like Fake Résumé.com featured on many news programs like CNN, CBC, NBC and more, teach job seekers how to make their résumé and interviewing skills "bullet proof."

For example their E-Book Teaches how to:

  • Fill the gaps in your employment history.
  • Foolproof methods to add experience to your résumé .
  • The best way to get fake references.
  • The main reason good liars get job offers and honest people don't!
  • 26 things you must never put in your résumé!
  • Why you can't afford not to lie on your résumé.
  • For more Information visit the website""

Bullet Proof References
A résumé can only get you so far in the hiring process, sometimes you need bullet proof references to keep you in the running. Enter websites like ""

Again, this very popular website has been featured in countless news articles, and for a price create job references, letters of recommendations and more...

What will CareerExcuse do for me?
"Once you choose your plan and outsource your job references to us,  we will supply you with a real company name, along with branch address and "800" number within 24 hours and have operators on stand bye to give any inquirers your information that you created."


Here is a Better Business Bureau news report about

Click here to watch the video clip

Diploma & Degree Mills
Need an education? Fake degree business rakes in over $500 million dollars a year. Diploma mills capitalize on the consumer desire for a more competitive career edge. For most professionals, the competitive leg up translates to more education.

Learn more here at, (Fighting the Billion Dollar Scam)

Sample Fake Degrees

Click to EnlargeClick on image to enlarge

For more samples visit the website:
Superior Fake Degrees:

Fake Résumé Information-National Average
According to the Society of Human Resource Managers, the "National Average is 53% of ALL information on a résumé is misleading, distorted, or outright false."

Beat the Interview
Want to learn how to "beat the interview"? Visit Youtube and search "how to beat the job interview" ...and you will get over 3 million instructional videos that will take you step by step through preparing and conducting yourself on any job interview, and how to answer any interview question you can think of.

Countless Resources for Job Seekers
With the availability of all these new resources for the job seeker (at just the click of a mouse), it has made it practically impossible for any size of organization to make valid, reliable hiring decisions based on the typical hiring process.

It is all legal!
Yes, it is true, there are no laws preventing job seekers from faking a résumé or using any of these services.

This is why many hiring professionals sometimes feel like they are gambling every time they hire an employee.

Solution for Employers
By using scientifically proven assessments and testing solutions, you can see past the well orchestrated surface presentation of candidates and get to measure the total person. You will observe and be able to question how well they will fit your organization, culture and specific job competencies.

Want More information?
One simple phone call or e-mail will get you in touch with one of our consultants who can help answer any additional questions about our services or products. Call 250-612-2168. or e-mail at

Click here to go to Contact Us Page

Getting Started
Getting Started using our solutions is easy and fast. To learn more about the process go to our HR Diagnostics page.


INSYTE Employer Solutions Inc.
Are you Sick and Tired of Gambling when you Hire?
Measure the Real Person
Employee Assessments and Testing measure the entire person, not just what the candidate wants you to see.